
Don’t Slip Up!

As the weather turns and we head into autumn it’s a good time to start thinking about slips, trips and falls.

  • Slips and trips remain the largest cause of accidents in Forestry which has been confirmed in a recent study carried out by FISA.

This is not a huge surprise when considering the environments in which we work, but slip, trips and falls can cause serious injuries and we cannot afford to ignore them.

It would be completely impracticable to think we can totally eliminate the risk of slipping or tripping on all our work sites, but there are some simple and practicable measures that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of slipping or tripping.

Each site is different so it’s important that you plan and communicate to mitigate the risks.

Further reading:

Toolbox Talks

  • Slips, Trips and Falls walking across Planting/Mounding/Harvesting Sites (TT/59)
  • Planning to prevent slips and trips, forestry (TT/66)

Guidance Note

  • Slips, Trips and Falls in Forestry (GN/FT/23)

Learning Points:

Step back from the operations and have a good look around at the site you are working on:

  1. What presents the biggest risk for slips and trips?
  2. What could be done to reduce this risk? Ask yourself if it’s necessary to walk across that site and are you taking the safest route?
  3. If you are carrying a load could this have a reduced effect on your balance?
  4. Recognise that tiredness at the end of the day could make you less awaare?
