
Creating Hope Through Action

The theme for this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’, to remind us that there is an alternative to suicide despite the fact it may not feel like it at the time.

The aim of the day is to inspire confidence in all of us and show that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling. Every year more than 700,000 people take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide and even more who contemplate it.

  • 1 in 4 people experience mental ill-health in their lifetime
  • 1 in 5 people in the UK think about Suicide in their lifetime.
  • 1 in 15 attempt Suicide in their lifetime.

Every suicide is a tragedy and has long-lasting effects on the people left behind. Today, 400 people in the UK will feel so in pain, so isolated, so helpless, that they attempt suicide. Of those 400 people, 18 will die of suicide.

Losing someone to suicide can be extremely painful and complicated. On average, one suicide impacts 115 people. Those bereaved by suicide are at higher risk themselves of contemplating or attempting suicide.

Many people thinking of taking their own life or who have attempted suicide have not been seeking help and are therefore not getting the help they need.

People struggle with a multitude of emotional and mental health difficulties, yet only a fraction of people feel able to talk about it. Suicides are preventable with timely interventions.

Taking a minute to reach out to someone in your community – a family member, friend, colleague or even a stranger – could change the course of another persons’ life.

There IS hope – it is vital that people experiencing suicidal thoughts know they are not alone and there are people who care about them and their situation. It is never too late to take action to help a situation that seems hopeless. Nobody is ever beyond care and understanding.

Raising community awareness and breaking down the taboo is important to make progress in preventing suicide.

The International Association for Suicide Prevention suggest lighting a candle and placing in a safe place visible from your window at 8pm on World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September, to show your support.

To find out what action you can take to create hope for others please visit the Staying Safe website: https://www.stayingsafe.net/carers

If you need support yourself then you can contact one of the following for a friendly, understanding, and caring voice:



Breathing Space – Scotland

C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline – Wales



